
Good News Regarding China’s Nuclear Fusion, March 25, 2025

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The Supreme Master TV team reported to Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) good news from two Association members regarding the March 24th Fly-in News: URGENT WARNING REGARDING CHINA’s NUCLEAR FUSION.

The team presented to Master the following two letters informing Her that China’s nuclear fusion issues have been stopped.

“Hallo, my name is (…..). I saw Master’s urgent message and reached out to a high-level official in the People’s Republic of China through a contact. The response from the official was: ‘How did you find out about this? This is our internal issue. There was a problem and it has been stopped.’ I’m always in awe and thanking You, Master, for Your sacrifice and for always enlightening us for the sake of world peace.”

“Dearest Beloved Master, After You shared with us the shocking revelation of China’s Nuclear Fusion Reactor and the potential destruction it is about to cause to our entire planet and its inhabitants, I reached out to a friend who knows a high-level official in China and pleaded for help to let China know about this impending disaster. A few hours later, he got back to me and said that the official said this in response:

‘Yes, there was a problem and we have shut it off. How did they know about this? It’s a top secret, even internally.’

Oh, Dear Master, I truly hope that with Your Grace, this threat has been eliminated and China and the world at large will heed this warning and be much more careful when making further advances in technology. We cannot Thank You enough for always keeping us disciples vigilant and strong, and for gifting us with the knowledge of the world beyond. Thank You for protecting us and for Your endless sacrifice in helping all sentient beings be safe and sound eternally. Always Your devoted disciple, (…..) (United States)”

In response to the letters, Master kindly replied as follows:

Thank you brother and sister, two beautiful souls. Your loving letters bring me profuse tears of deep, deep JOY! Oh, we thank God the Almighty, the Most High, the Greatest of all the Greatest, for all Wonder and Mercy never-ending from Your Limitless Grace. We, all the humans and all beings on Earth, prostrate multiple times at Your Benevolent Holiest Feet with utmost humble Gratitude!!!

Allow us to thank the Chinese wise Government for promptly, urgently, with your power and true caring, for taking extraordinary action to avert the great catastrophic event that might have wiped out Life on Earth. We are grateful immensely to your wise government’s quick decision and expert deed, which saved precious existence on our priceless Planet!

We are also in debt to all involved who fixed the problem and alerted us in this vital matter, including the UFO Friends, and the related social channels and reporters, who brought the world’s attention to this. And to all Heavenly Beings for all the life-saving help. May you all be Blessed abundantly and loved by all of us – the humans and all beings. We love you, too!

Pray God and all compassionate Masters that we will learn to live with Love toward all beings and treat each other the way we like to be treated, to protect all beautiful God’s Creation with respect, love and appreciation from the spirit of equal status.

During this conference with the Higher Heavenly Beings, I was told that any disaster is the result of humans’ disrespect for God and Universe’s Law. May The Almighty always bestow Love on all of us. As we always show our utmost obedience to Hiers Will, to live peacefully and joyously with one another on Earth as well as in Heavens. We thank You Beloved God. Thank You, Sir. Thank You, Sire. Amen. We love You.

Most Loving Master, we are beyond relieved to hear this good news. No words can do enough justice to express our immense gratitude to God Almighty and You for resolving this most perilous condition our planet just faced. Our profound thanks also goes to the Chinese government for acting quickly to save all of humanity from the consequences of the nuclear fusion. May our world be forever safe, surrounded by a Loving Heavenly atmosphere. Wishing Master to be eternally shielded by the Almighty and all Glorious Heavens.