
The Guianan Cock-Of-The-Rock: A Splendid Avian Species

Tovább olvasom
Guianan cocks-of-the-rock are classified as passerine bird-people. That is just a fancy way of saying our feet are well-designed for perching on branches. We prefer a humid environment with rocky outcrops – our favorite nesting places.

Zoologists, like most scientists, are fond of using technical terms. They say we are frugivorous. It sounds scary, don’t you agree? All it means is that we feed on fruit! Indeed we do – 65 different kinds from the highest branches of trees and climbing plants called lianas. And the best part is that we can snatch them while flying. Now that is what I call contact-free shopping! It may also interest you that we often choose red and orange fruits that complement the hue of our feathers. Who can tell me the color of ripe papaya? I want to share an anecdote about some of my ancestors with you.

Wherever we form a community, the roles of the two genders are well-defined: Females are responsible for building nests and caring for their chicks, while males are preoccupied with maintaining their appearance and attracting their next love interest. Did I tell you that I am a dancer? Actually, I think of myself as an entertainer. I have a variety of calls, and new moves come to me naturally; the real work is the preening. Contestants must groom themselves several times daily, aligning each feather and elongated filament for optimal appearance and self-confidence. Besides, preening is essential for efficient flying, regulating body temperature, and staying dry when it rains.

Guianan cocks-of-the-rock are some of the most spectacular bird-people in the world. Our incredible plumage and vibrant displays are nothing less than what you would expect in paradise. I trust you enjoyed my lifestyle monologue and the colorful images. We are blessed to feel completely free and happy every single day.