On Monday, March 24, 2025, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) sent the following urgent message:
There’s news on the Internet that a lot of UFOs, I mean multi-, multi-, multi-, multi-UFOs, multiple UFOs, appeared all over, very big, big-time in the skies of China. People are asking what’s happening. I also asked, and here is the information I got.
The information is from UR, the Ultimate Master. The reason the UFO appeared so multiple and many in the sky of China is because they say that the fusion, f-u-s-i-o-n, is disturbing the atmosphere. And that fusion has to be stopped. The UFO cannot stop it for us because our technology is very, very strong there. So, if we don’t stop this fusion, the energy of the fusion will disturb the cycle of the spinning of the planet. And… Oh God, oh God. And the world as we know it now, will end. Oh my God, no wonder, I read some days ago that something about the planet turned upside down.
Oh dear God. How can we convince China to stop the fusion. They need it, and they were proud to have it. I mean the world people, scientists also contributed to it. I’m not very, very familiar with this stuff. But please don’t make any more fusion, and please stop this fusion if it’s still on, if it’s running, you must stop it. Otherwise, we’ll bring the world to an end. Oh dear, oh, does it have to end so soon?
And I hope that China can even shut it off. Oh dear. Everybody pray, OK? It’s incredible but you never know. That’s how many of our civilizations and many civilizations on other planets also destroyed their own lives, their own worlds. Please be careful with whatever you invent. The disturbance of the atmosphere, you don’t see it. But why does our planet turn upside down? You see? And it even stops spinning, and all these kinds of things are scary.
Please stop the fusion for now, if you can even. Oh my God! We hope that the Chinese can shut it off. That is the thing. There is a border of invention. We should not just try anything without truly having the Master knowledge about that. We can’t just be too adventurous and we’ll bring harm to all the planet, all beings, and the whole world will be destroyed. Well, I really hope I’m wrong. Please do something. Please shut that fusion off for now, until we truly know anything about it, and then we can still start again. It won’t be any harm if we could take precautions. There’s nothing much more that I get, except that we have to shut it off.
Oh, dear God, please protect all beings on this planet. There are still many young people, young children all over the world. I’m pretty old already. It doesn’t matter much, but we have still a lot of young and beautiful children on this Earth. Please protect us. Please do something to change, to convince the government of China to shut off the fusion, whatever that is. Thank You, Sir. Thank You, my Lord. Amen.
I’m too busy now to take a lot of time to meditate on this, because it’s something big. It’s not just simple. And it’s high tech. And I thought I should meditate first. But if I meditate, it will take a longer time. And if something happens before that, I could never forgive myself. So I just risk my reputation and let you air this, as soon as possible, immediately. And we will check more later. If something’s wrong, then people would only ridicule me alone. But if something happens to the whole world, and I worry about my reputation, something might happen and there’s nothing much I can do after that. So everybody pray. Pray for protection and pray that the Chinese government shuts this off, well at least for a while to see what happens.
I will try also now to talk to the UFO people to see if they can even hear me. I don’t know if their telepathic ability is strong enough, if we could even communicate at all. I’ll try, but meanwhile, just transcribe and air this. Thank you. If anything more, I will tell you guys.
Well, I do really hope that maybe we can do something, I mean, the Heavenly Beings, but They have different tech. Maybe this is just temporary. I hope the Chinese government will shut it off and check it out. Maybe something went wrong inside the fusion, and they should check it all over first to make sure. And if anything we, the Heavenly Beings can do, of course we help also, but meanwhile, we have to do the physical thing first, because we are in the physical world. I just hope things will go well and that the whole world will not disappear because of some little malfunction somewhere. Oh my God! This is something that concerns everybody. And I’ll try to talk to the UFO people if I can. Then I will add it on afterward.
The latest is: the UFO told me that they came around because they want to try to help to fix it, but they cannot. Then I said, “Why do you still keep coming around?” They said that they worry about the world people. And according to the latest information, we have only one day and 12 hours to fix it. Or maybe the Chinese scientists already knew about it and they’re fixing it. I hope it’s better. I hope we’re going to be safe.
I’m told that when you go inside that building, you walk in the door, the part that they have to fix is called “key,” and then it’s on the right side. If you walk in through the door, it’s on your right and on the lower part of that fusion. And I guess we’re supposed to turn off the key or something like that.
Oh my God! Let’s hope we’ll still be there after one and a half days. One day and 12 hours, that’s the time we have to fix this! Pray God! That is the time you received this notice from me. That is about 4:30 AM, Hong Kong time. So we don’t have a lot of time, so please, it doesn’t matter if you have any other related videos or anything, just make sure it goes on air fast and you can give more detail the next airing when you can. Let’s hope that I’m wrong, because I don’t have enough time to meditate and check details.
If anybody knows the high levels of Chinese government or Chinese scientists, please notify them. Thank you so much. And please pray for our world.