
Compassion and Care: From The Essene Humane Gospel of Christ, Part 1 of 2

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Jesus Condemns The Ill Treatment Of A Camel

“And at another time while Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem, He came upon a camel overladen with wood, and the creature could move no further up the hill. And Jesus looked upon the driver who did beat him mercilessly and cruelly, but even the severe blows would not make the camel move one step further.

Jesus disturbed at the ill treatment of this poor innocent creature, said unto the driver: ‘For what reason beat thou, thy poor brother?’ And the man answered Jesus and said, ‘I know not that he is my brother, for is he not only a laboring creature, and made to serve me?’

But Jesus said unto him, ‘Has not the Eternal Father in Heaven made of the same substance, thy camel and also thy children; and have ye not one breath of life, which ye have both received from above? Know ye not, that man was to serve the creatures ye so mercilessly beat and not the creatures serve man? For truly, men sow and reap, but the creatures know not; think ye, therefore, to show mercy on those weaker than ye in mind, and the True God will return mercy unto thee.’

‘For by an animal’s strength, he is not judged, but the compassion of his owner is judged and weighed in the scales. Learn ye the justice and mildness of the righteous, who treat all of God’s creatures even as brothers and sisters of the great Household of God, and ye shall greatly be rewarded, for he who treats a poor creature with compassion and kindness even loves his own flesh and cherishes it.’ […]”

Jesus Tells His Disciples To Feed His Sheep

“[…] And Peter said unto Jesus, ‘But Master and Lord, how are we to find these lost sheep Ye speak of this day, for many are they, but few are we who follow the holy way?’

And Jesus said unto him again: ‘Peter, Feed my sheep, for it is requested of you to do so, for I say unto you the Holy Angels have charge over the affairs of men, yea, even over the lives of my sheep, and they will lead thee to the sheep and instruct thee in holy ways; for many indeed are the scattered sheep from all nations under the Sun, shall they be gathered and fed. For I say unto thee this day, with the food of the Holy Law shall ye feed them and they shall be satisfied and hunger no more. Yea, the bread of life give unto them and the water of life add unto them, one and all. Behold the young lambs, innocent and pure and without sin or guile, see how they listen to the sound of their master in charge. So also, my sheep shall listen to thy sounds of truth and come forth and be gathered into a great nation, a holy people unto God, after the manner of the Brotherhood wherein all are in peace and love. […]”
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