
Sharing Importance of Having Virtuous and Upright Leaders in the World to Set Example of Goodness and Purity

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And now we have a heartline from Da-Qing in China:

Most Divine and Beloved Master and most respected Supreme Master TV team, Every year, I write a greeting card in my heart to express my sincere love, gratitude, and praise to Beloved Master.

I watched the Between Master and Disciples program “Only the Unconditional Givers Are the Noble Ones” in February last year: Master was busy taking care of the monks and the nuns, the Supreme Master TV team, and the old people from China by providing dinner, as well as donating to a school, etc. Finally, She sat down and ate a little. A small bowl of warm rice and some delicious chili sauce made Master as happy as a child ‒ because Master usually couldn’t have warm meals... In a haze, I seemed to return to the era of Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong, where the beloved Emperor was taking care of the elderly eating. How lucky we are to have Emperors Who were reincarnations of Master. Her spiritual practice over many lifetimes has brought infinite Blessings to the world.

In the early days of Qianlong’s accession to the throne, China’s population was about 100 million; in the last years of Qianlong’s reign, the population exceeded 300 million, accounting for more than 30% of the world’s population at that time. The world was peaceful, food was abundant, and the society was prosperous. The great Emperor worked hard on state affairs every day. He was wise and diligent. Various causes and effects were intertwined. There were also some who were enemies and brought curses to obstruct Master’s work. Master comes lifetime after lifetime solely for the mission of bringing Blessings to the Universe. How important national leaders are to peace!

Beloved Master, we are not by Your side, but our love and support for You grows day by day. May Your Holy body be healthy and the world be at peace. Sincerely offer worship on the Lunar New Year, Da-Qing from China

Wise Da-Qing, Thank you for your pertinent insights. You’ve eloquently highlighted the importance of having virtuous and upright leaders in the world to set the example of goodness and purity. May you and timeless China be blessed with Heavenly foresight to do what is right and good for our world always. In Divine benevolence, Supreme Master TV team

P.S. Here is Master’s caring response for you: “Discerning Da-Qing, thank you for your love. With the strength of our inner Master, our Buddha Power, we are free, liberated from the karma, the mire, drama, and suffering enveloping the lower worlds. Be compassionate, help those less fortunate, and share the true Dharma with those in your community. May you and the loyal Chinese people remember your nobility and thank the Heavens for our vegan bounty. Love you and peaceful China.”