
Positive Changes in Countries Part 12 – Gentle Governments, Gentle Citizens: Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Chad

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Cabo Verde is a growing, tropical paradise tourist destination that’s vegan friendly and going green. Cabo Verde is indeed plant-based as well as green, with more and more restaurants offering delicious, healthy vegan options on their menus. Last but not least, women in Cabo Verde have come a long way since the country’s independence in 1975. The government of the Central African Republic is steadfastly moving toward being a peaceful, prosperous and healthy country for its citizens. In February 2019, representatives from the CAR government and 14 opposition groups met in the capital city of Khartoum, Sudan for first ever face-to-face peace talks. On February 6, the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation was signed by all parties. Chad has been one of the most impoverished countries in Africa, and yet we are also among the world’s top refugee accepting countries. The government of Chad has also been working on policies that help displaced people. Chad joined the African Rhino Conservation Phan in partnership with 11 other African countries. This plan hopes to provide safe passage within and between countries, to increase the population of rhinos throughout Africa.