
az Aranykor jóslata, 14. rész – a hopik és a négy faj szent kőtáblái

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According to Hopi prophecy, at the beginning of this world, the Great Spirit made the Earth’s people into four nations and gave each one a teaching. At the end of this world, these nations were to come back together and share their teachings, so that humanity could have peace and a great civilization could come about. Moreover, each race was given a responsibility, or guardianship, over a natural element. Respected Native American speaker Dr. Lee Brown once elaborated on this as follows: To the Indian people, the red people, He gave the guardianship of the earth. To the south, He gave the yellow race of people the guardianship of the wind. To the West, He gave the black race of people the guardianship of the water. To the North, where there’s white snow in this continent, He gave the white race of people the guardianship of the fire.
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