
A True Disciple Is Beyond Hope and Fear, Part 4 of 4

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Just like most people, they eat animal-people meat; they don’t see how the cow- or the pig-person has been killed in such an inhumane and cruel way. And people who wear fur do not see how they beat the head of an innocent baby seal-person, for example, just to get a little piece of fur to adorn some temporary body. The two ends are very far from each other. One end is killing, and the other end is a beautiful product already made, so there’s nothing that can evoke their feeling of guilt or pity for the animal-people.

Except within your group and within other spiritual groups, where else is OK? Where people are not connected with God is not OK, even though maybe it looks OK on the surface.

You know, a lot of people, they don’t understand that cutting down forests is something that they should not do. They think it’s just cutting the trees. Besides, it’s not even their initiative. They just work for some big bosses somewhere, and they’re contracted even internationally. So he thinks he’s doing an honest job, getting paid to cut down some trees. You should actually not condemn people so quickly; therefore, you feel bad. Of course, you don’t like it because you know it’s not a good thing that they have done. But you should turn around and know why they did it. They just don’t know.

Just like most people, they eat animal-people meat; they don’t see how the cow- or the pig-person has been killed in such an inhumane and cruel way. And people who wear fur do not see how they beat the head of an innocent baby seal-person, for example, just to get a little piece of fur to adorn some temporary body. The two ends are very far from each other. One end is killing, and the other end is a beautiful product already made, so there’s nothing that can evoke their feeling of guilt or pity for the animal-people. When they see a beautiful fur coat, they say, “Oh! I want that!” And the husband, who has money, buys it for her just to please her. She wants to wear it to please people’s eyes and to make herself look beautiful. So the intention is good. It’s just the other end; they don’t realize it. They cannot see it, and it does not immediately hit them that some poor creature had to die in such a cruel way in order for that fur coat to be made or for that piece of animal-people meat to be on their table, for example. So people don’t know, least of all these cutting wood people.

Since time immemorial, they’d go in the forest, chop wood to make fire and all that, and sell it to people. It was a very normal occupation. It’s just right now, they do it en masse. They chop forests to raise cattle-people or do all kinds of things that are not very helpful to the world. But otherwise, for them, it’s a normal job. They don’t think anything about that because they don’t know much about global warming. Many people in more powerful positions don’t even know about global warming, or don’t want to know, or are having a difficult time connecting global warming to deforestation and cutting their trees or eating that piece of animal-people meat. Many people don’t make that connection. So how could you blame poor and probably even uneducated guys who chop some wood over there? You have to be the good one. You have to tell them all the truth about woodcutting at least, and maybe they know it, and then they think about it. Instead, you just cut them off like that; it was not too good. Next time, do better, OK?

Try not to blame people too much because everybody is doing something, and they don’t know what they’re doing. That’s why they killed (Lord) Jesus. That’s why they persecuted Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, and Buddha, and all the Gurus. The story I told you now: just to believe in something, you could get your head chopped off, even no matter if that religion is good. At that time, Sikhism just taught people to do good, like the Five Precepts: Don’t steal… I don’t see in the Guru Granth Sahib, the bible of the Sikhs, that it teaches people to go out [and] steal or kill anybody, or even to kill animal-people or do anything wrong at all. So, Sikhism was very good then. And still, you could have your head chopped off.

The king is supposed to be the leader, the wise one, the one who has all the education possible that’s afforded to him. When you’re a king, you can have anything you want. You can have all the knowledge. You can get all the books, or study anything you like. So, he should have been a very knowledgeable one. But look how ignorant he was – just killed anybody that belonged to Sikhism, even a little boy like that! So, being a king is not always good if you don’t use your power properly. That king would have gone to hell. I’m sure he must have gone to hell for doing such a thing.

So, many people don’t realize… Can you imagine a king who had all the knowledge offered to him? He could get any book he wanted, however rare. He could study anything he wanted, however remote. And he was still so ignorant like that. How could you blame a small woodcutter in Africa? He’s a poor guy. His family needs money, and he did not think cutting trees was anything wrong. He just cut one, two, three every day. He did not connect it with the whole global warming or anything else. It’s just his job – he thought like that. He did not even know; nobody even told him anything. Do you understand now? (Yes, Master.) OK! Next time, do better. (Yes.)

You meditate now. It’s almost 2 o’clock (2AM); you meditate. I’ll go downstairs and meditate for a little while. I’m always around; it’s a very small place. We’re always together. (Thank You.) Good. Good, good, good. I’m right here. I’m running around all day with you. (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome.

Is it cool enough, or not? (No, it’s cooler.) I’m not sure. (It’s cooler, better.) Truly? I don’t feel any… I don’t feel very happy. (You can really feel the difference.) (Definitely made a difference.) You can take your socks off and then feel it, feel cooler. Don’t have to wear socks, it’s too hot. Then you can take one of the shirts off. So you wear inside, then take this off. Take this off, it’s less hot. Put your feet on this cool marble floor. We got it, marble and they covered it with cheap carpets. And that makes you hotter, especially here. Downstairs is much better. I don’t know; when you come, it’s hotter. Last week wasn’t too hot. You don’t have to sit here. I’m already gone, so you can go outside, sit [on the] balcony, and then eat (vegan) soup.

Hallo. (Hi.) Go open the door and wait outside. Oh! It’s cooler here. He is standing right in front of the machine. You’re just standing, brother, and you stop the coolness. It’s colder here; (Yes.) more coldness. Yesterday, no? (No, Master.) Not yet? You didn’t get [it]. Already yesterday, no? (No.) Did not have? (Yes.) Yes or no? (No.) When I ask, you just say, “Yes, yes.” (No.) Today is a “No” day. No? (No.)) You speak English very well. Always “No.” OK. OK. [If] you think of me, I’m with you. I want this to make you happy. Happy, happy. (Yes.)

Anybody else? Oh, forget, forget. Ça va? (How are you?) Good, good, good. Thank you. Oh my gosh! OK, you know what… You done? Everybody, yeah? Oh, OK, OK. More, more… Just like this, happy. My God! What’s the difference? Right. Right. Everybody, yeah? OK. OK. OK. Good. Anybody else? OK, baby. OK, OK, OK. Good, good. (Thank You.) Thank you. Here. (Thank You.) Raise hands – anybody doesn’t have? (Thank You, Master.) (I love You.) Thank you, thank you. I love you, too. Happy, happy. (Thank You, Master.) Happy, yeah? If anybody wants extra, five dollars. I love you. Right.

This is a good place, also small. Small place, and we can have more individual attention. Anybody doesn’t have any? You already, no? (Not yet.) Anybody doesn’t have? (No.) Just now? Everybody? (Yes.) Anybody there? Oh! Good, good, good. Say nothing? You did? OK. I stay downstairs. You meditate. (Yes. Thank You, Master. We love You.) (We love You, Master.) I love you, baby. You’re beautiful people. (Thank You, Master.) I’m downstairs right here, OK? (OK, Master.) If not, I’m just next door. (OK.) (Thank You, Master.) You are welcome.

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