“There was one bird who came into my garden. She was spotted all over the body. And she walked with me like she knew me forever. And one day I said, ‘Wow! You’re so beautiful. Can I show you on TV? The way you walk with me and friendly.’ She said, ‘No. Please don’t. People might capture me.’ Then I woke up, I said, ‘That’s for sure.’ They talk to me in such a way it amazes me in English, in their English. I mean inside, a telepathic way, not speaking. Their English is, my God, it’s better than mine. And they use words that I didn’t use before, that I don’t often use. Very high English. Oh my God. I can spend all my life with animals.” “No matter what I say, love is felt inside. I truly appreciate that you came from such a long way here. Despite your schedule, your family and everything. And without further ado, may I invite you to dinner, to my humble little kitchen. Let’s go now!”