
스승님과 함께 하는 비건 중추절, 7부 중 7부

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Oh, I was addicted to (vegan) halwa, but I didn’t have a lot there. Only now and then they made a little bit. In the ashram, the food was not too good. So, when you saw me coming back from India, I was very black and very skinny, because I sat outside. (Very hot, You’re right.) No, not only that, but I sat outside in the balcony all day, all night, because the ashram was full and everybody stayed inside – hot. (Right.) […] Whenever I didn’t have to run around, I sat there. So, when I came back, I was blacker than the guy behind there. And the food was ascetic-like, (Yes.) but I loved it. I just didn’t have enough. […]

All the Westerners, they were richer. They’d go out and eat and buy stuff. I never had anything much. Whatever I had, I gave it to the ashram master. I had nothing with me, maybe 500, nothing more, for return (ticket), (Right.) in case. And then later, I didn’t even have that, I gave everything. I went back to Germany. I took out all my pension, retirement money. […] That’s all I had, and then I went and gave it all to the master at that time, because…

Here, they raise dog(-people) differently. It’s not like in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), where people say a fat dog(-person) reflects well on his caregiver. That’s not how it works. Being fat leads to illness, you know? Eating too much isn’t good. […] The dog(-person’s) system is different from the human’s system. It cannot be too complicated food, and even we humans eat very complicated already. So many things in one dish. It’s not easy to digest like that. But we’re used to it, so OK, fine. But dog(-people), they have a simple system. […]

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