Монгол хэл

Буддын түүхүүд: Буддагийн урьд төрөл болох Сарны Гэрэл нэрт хаан, 6 хэсэгт лекцийн 3-р хэсэг, 2015 оны 09-р сарын 08

Дэлгэрэнгүй уншаарай
“One day the king was sitting on his golden, and many precious stones throne. And suddenly, it came to his mind, he was thinking like this. ‘Human on this planet, if you are in a noble position, high position, revered by all people, and rich and have all the things that you wish for, that is because in the former life, you had done some good deeds, or practiced some good method. Therefore, now you reap the reward.’” He was thinking like that. It’s like the farmer. In the springtime, he diligently sows many different seeds. And then in summer and autumn, he will reap the harvest accordingly. So that he can sustain himself and then sustain many others. If in the springtime, he has not diligently worked on his field, then in summer and autumn, he has nothing to harvest.
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Бүх хэсэг  (3/6)