Монгол хэл

Анхдагч ертөнцөөс манай дэлхий рүү: Жинхэнэ Хайр хэзээ ч өөрчлөгддөггүй, 10 хэсэгт лекцийн 3-р хэсэг, 2014 оны 05-р сарын 29

Дэлгэрэнгүй уншаарай
There is magic, magical power in OU, but not the … like of the Astral world. “All kinds of things, things like ours, fruits, trees, are just sparkling, beautiful, and resounding with music of the spheres.” With the Sound of the Divine. “A tree has a lot of flowers and thousands of colors. Most of them do not exist in this world. The animals and Beings there do not walk or run. They float.” “Where energy seeped down from OU, collided with coarse energy at the Seam of the universe and exploded into Shadow Universe.” That’s Big Bang.
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