Монгол хэл

Баатраа явагч нэрт их хөлгөн судар: Цэвэр ариуны (үр дагавар) талаар дөрвөн тодорхой, хувиршгүй зааврууд ба сэхээрэх газрыг бий болгохуй, 8 хэсэгт лекцийн 1-р хэсэг, 2018 оны 12-р сарын 24

Дэлгэрэнгүй уншаарай
The precepts are very important, not only for nuns and monks, but for you as well, if you want to be liberated while you are taking care of your duties in the world according to your karma. Not everyone can be nuns and monks, of course. It's a very difficult undertaking. It's very difficult. It needs a lot of discipline, a lot of training yourself, a lot of self-introspecting, a lot of sacrifice of personal taste, personal freedom. Everything! Many things, many things.
Дэлгэрэнгүй үзээрэй
Бүх хэсэг (1/8)