ਹੋਰ ਪੜੋ
In today’s episode, we feature the NDEs of children and teenagers. Our first story features an unnamed man who passed away as a baby and witnessed his family praying for him. “I was put onto many machines in that nursery to keep me alive, and my outlook was not good. Because of this, my dad and my grandpas had decided to give me this special prayer. But, in order for them to do so, I had to be detached from those machines for as short a period of time as possible, since they were helping to keep me alive. […] I’m an illustrator, and I recently drew what I remembered, and I showed it to my dad. He confirmed that it was accurate to what actually happened, and he said it was a twilight zone moment seeing that drawing. We are all made up of body and spirit, and I know we live on after this life.”During his NDE, Josef experienced a Life Review and learned that it is not God who condemns us for our past wrongdoings, but actually, it is our own soul. “The first important scene I re-experienced was when I was four years old, and teasing my little sister who was two at the time, as she laid in her crib. I re-experienced the feeling of having fun teasing her, when suddenly, I heard a voice telling me this teasing was not okay at that time. However, I didn’t want to acknowledge that, at first. I also looked for excuses to justify this teasing. On the other hand, I thought, if it was wrong, I would have to pay for it. […]”In 1958, at the age of seven, Melody drowned in a rafting accident during a family picnic at the local beach, and her soul embarked on a wondrous journey beyond the physical world. Melody was drawn deeper into the white light and soon found herself in front of a magnificent white being. “And there, at the very end of it, was a white being just shining absolutely beautiful. […] And I felt nothing but love, empathy, kindness, caring, warmth, genuine love. It was amazing, and it just filled me up. […] And things were said to me. […]”A primary lesson Roland learned from his NDE was the importance of stepping away from the ego or mind and being guided by the heart. “In this NDE, all that of separating the mind from the heart, and following the heart, step away from the ego or the mind that goes off of the stories versus the feelings, so I was just really getting into that energy. The mind is not the direction. The mind is just a tool. It’s the heart, it’s that heart connection to the Divine that is our True Self.”