Wikang Tagalog

Faith and Experiences, Part 1 of 12, Dec. 25, 1997, Washington, D.C., USA

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(My question is: How do I know what is my pure inner voice?) […] Next time you just write down your question on a piece of paper. (And sometimes after meditation or during meditation, the answer will come. And I write the answer down on the paper. Do You think that answer is correct?) If your meditation is good, yes. And you have to have the intuition to feel it. It’s not a voice exactly. It’s not a voice. (No.) It’s just intuition. (I see.) Yes, yes. The voice is many times from the negative power. (OK. Unless it’s Your voice.) Well… You recite the Five (Holy) Names. […]

Just put the light from the stage on, and everybody else can meditate. The light from the stage. How are you? Good morning. (Good morning, Master.) Feel good? (Yes.) Other people can continue to meditate. You can listen or you can meditate if you want to. I will turn the lights on. How about these lights? No? (Yes, on.) Yes. OK. Now you can see the light. If these days you don’t see the (inner Heavenly) Light, now is the time. Make the most of it. Look at that. Wow! Must be “the Fifth Level.” For those who are still not awake yet, you can continue to close your eyes and meditate meanwhile. Anything you want to do is fine. If you want to have a question, you can. You can. It doesn’t mean you’ll have an answer though. Questions are always welcomed. Yes. Microphone. OK. Start with the ladies. You know where the ladies are? OK.

(Master, thank You, for Your guidance and for the miracles in my life.) Miracles? (Yes.) We have miracles? That’s nice. (Being here is a miracle for me.) Oh, really? (Yes. My question is on finding my own pure inner voice. I received my initiation in June, and whenever I require guidance, in my journal, I write a question. Or I will ask only in my own memory a question for guidance in my meditation. And I discovered that a voice would come. And since then, I have discovered that that was, in many cases, the voice of the maya playing with my ego. Because whatever the voice told me would happen didn’t happen. So, my question is: How do I know what is my pure inner voice? And then there’s a second question after that, that applies to that.) Is it the voice like your voice right now? (Sometimes it is.) Next time you just write down your question on a piece of paper. (And sometimes after meditation or during meditation, the answer will come. And I write the answer down on the paper. Do You think that answer is correct?) If your meditation is good, yes. And you have to have the intuition to feel it. It’s not a voice exactly. It’s not a voice. (No.) It’s just intuition. (I see.) Yes, yes. The voice is many times from the negative power. (OK. Unless it’s Your voice.) Well… You recite the Five (Holy) Names. (OK. Thank You very much.) You’re welcome.

(I want to thank You for reciting the Five [Holy] Names with us yesterday.) No, I didn’t. (I have a question related to that. I’m still confused. I’ve heard Chinese practitioners pronounce the Five [Holy] Names differently than I’ve heard Aulacese [Vietnamese] Quan Yin messengers pronounce the Five [Holy] Names. And I’m wondering why they do this? And if there’s a best way or a proper way?) There’s only one way… the proper way. Don’t bother about the Chinese pronunciation. You don’t know Chinese pronunciation? OK. There was a Chinese guy who worked in the restaurant. And there was an American customer who came every day. And he liked fried rice very much. Chinese fried rice, you know? So, every day he came, pretended to be friendly and then he teased the Chinese guy every day. He said, “I want a portion of ‘fly lice.’” Chinese, they cannot pronounce “r.” Many of them. Some of them can. “Fly lice.” “Fly lice.” And the Chinese waiter knew what he meant and then he was so angry. So, he went to an American friend and learned very hard to pronounce “fried rice.” OK. So he got it. “Fried rice.” And then the American came again and said, “I want a portion of fly lice.” Again? And the Chinese waiter, with all dignity, stood and said, “Sir, it is fried rice. Your ‘plonunciation’ is ‘long.’” “The ‘collect’ way is fried rice.” I can’t help that. But God knows what he’s talking about. It’s alright. But you should pronounce correctly. The way I would teach you.

Next one. (I am in pain during meditation, in my back.) Yes. (And there is like energy choking me.) Talking? (Choking.) Oh! Choking in your neck? How scary! (And I’m also confused, the energy should come up or down? I don’t know what’s happening. Energy should come up or down? I’m confused…) Don’t worry about the energy. You should not pay attention to any part of your body, because like that, you stop the energy. Let it flow freely. (It’s so intense that my mind is with the pain. I can’t come up at all.) OK. At that time, you stop. If it’s too painful, you stop. Stand up, walk a little while. And come back and do Quan Yin right away. OK? (OK.) Then it will ease off. Besides, you have to sit correctly. Sit straight, with a cushion about one-third of your buttock, and then you sit straight like this. If you sit like this or like that, then sometimes the energy doesn’t flow correctly, and it will give you back pain. Alright? (OK.) Also, keep yourself warm. If it’s cold, then you must keep yourself warm because sometimes it is rheumatism. If you sit long, and you don’t sit correctly, the blood circulation cannot flow and it also causes some blockage in the body and then it causes the pain. And next time, before you sit, maybe you rub something warm on your back first. And then keep warm from the shoulder down. OK? (Thank You.) And if it doesn’t help, then you write to me again. You put sesame oil on. It should help. (You answer when the people write to You?) Sure. What do you think I do every day? I have to work. I have to answer letters. I have team members to help me write, but I have to proofread every letter. And also instruct them, or correct them, or add in something necessary. That’s why I’m busy. Sometimes the foreign languages like Spanish and all that, take a little longer time. Chinese is quicker. I have more Chinese team members. Yes.

Next one. (Master, I was introduced to Master’s teachings in August. And when I met with the teachings, I was really elated; a little confused because it was a lady Master. And when I applied for initiation, I became very excited. But after a while, doubt crept in. And then when initiated, I was ecstatically happy up until a few days ago, again, doubt crept in. Because everything that is said and everything I’ve read about Master, I know Master is God, Christ, Buddha, and everything. And yet this doubt has come into my life now twice since August. What is the cause of that?) I have difficulty in following her. (Doubt. Doubt. Doubt.) Oh! About me! (Yes, yes.) OK. (Yes, what is the cause of that?) Can you tell me what part? What did I do to make you...? (No, You didn’t do it. It was circumstances.) No, I mean, something in my behavior, my speech, (No, no.) my hat perhaps? (No.) You never know.

Yes. So, what is it that you have doubt in your mind about? (Perhaps it’s probably maya because of...) No. No. Never mind, never mind the maya or not maya. What is exactly your doubt? (For example, when I applied for initiation, it was said “yes,” then “no,” then “yes,” then “no,” then “maybe.” And then I thought, if this is a real lady Master, She wouldn’t say, yes, no, yes, no, then maybe. And that’s when I became doubtful.) But what is your… (But then it strengthened again until a few days ago, I became angry.) Yes. (And then I thought if this is a real lady Master, then why am I becoming so angry? If I were truly so sincere, why do... Because I believe You are everything that You are. But then my sincerity cannot be so real.)

What is yes, no and maybe? (When I applied for initiation, it was said “yes.” Then the following week I had a phone call to say, “No, it’s canceled.” Then the following...) Who canceled? I canceled? (Apparently. But I found out eventually not, it was a confusion of...) I cannot understand. (She said her initiation was canceled.) She said it in herself? (No, no. I was told.) (They told her yes, then they told her no. They changed it.) Changed the schedule? (Yes. She got upset, and then she missed out...) Oh! I’m very sorry about that. But it wasn’t my intention. Whoever said “yes” and “no,” that I don’t know. (So I mustn’t listen to anybody that… I must just listen to You and what I feel.) No. Maybe there’s some change in the schedule. You know? (Three times.) Like the location or something. That I’m not aware of. Whenever they ask for initiation, I say OK. And the date, sometimes they change, but they did not inform me. When was it? August this year? (Yes.)

Well, I’m not aware of that. Probably first they have to find the location. And maybe sometimes the location changes. Or other practitioners change, or the translator changes. Or something like that might happen to them. (The location did change. Yes.) Yes, you see. So you have to understand – the Quan Yin messengers, they came to a foreign land, like your land. (Yes.) And they have hundreds of thousands of difficulties. The language maybe, and they don’t know their whereabouts. They have to rely on the old initiates to find a place for them, and then find the translation. (Yes.) And suppose this place changed, according to other initiates, and they also cannot do anything about it. And they have to change the schedule. And whenever the schedule is already fixed, everything is fixed, then they fax to me to say they want the initiation what day, what date, how many people. And then I will say OK. (I apologize for that doubt. Master, I would like to also have permission to have Master’s book translated into an African language called Zulu.) OK. Can do. (It will be done through the university.) If we have the translator, or we have the means to do that. (I will…) OK. You help to do that. (Thank You.) You can arrange a translator and then we pay for that or whatever. But we need someone like you to have the initiative. (Yes.)

And I’m very sorry for the change of the locations. It’s very difficult for us. Normally they would fax me the final date and the number, the names of the people. But before that, maybe they struggled with the location and translator, or transportation and organization for a lot of people. For example, if the initiation has about eight people and suddenly the other seven cancel their date or something, then because of you being the only one, they say, “OK, then might as well cancel altogether.” Things like that. So sometimes this is the individual karma that affects your initiation or the collective karma of the whole group of people that alters your initiation date. Or sometimes the whole karma of Africa. (Yes.) So please forgive us. (Yes. I understand it’s very turbulent.) Yes. Sometimes it causes trouble like that. (Yes.) And do not listen to the devil because you got initiation, and that’s very rare. Some people wait for a long time. Be happy that you’re in Africa… (Oh, I am. Because I only waited for five weeks.) Oh, that’s it! Anything else in your mind? The doubt? (I don’t think so. Not now.) Only that, right? (If there is I’ll…) OK, I’m very sorry. (Thank You for everything, Master.) No problem.

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