
Mehrteilige Reihe mit historischen Vorhersagen über unseren Planeten: Prophezeiungen für das Goldene Zeitalter, Teil 21 - Eine besondere Hommage an den Herrn Jesus Christus, den Friedensfürsten

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Unluckily I have signed the contract, signed the contract with the devil. But not for any bad things. You have to exchange. Sometimes I’m sad because I could fly in the air anytime I want. I could go through walls. I could be invisible. But the power I have is not from Astral level. It’s inherent in my being, higher Being. Everything that makes you a dignified Master, a dignified being, a tranquil, peaceful, look like a saintly being, you have to relinquish all your power, the mighty power that you have, that you can wield mountains, empty the sea.
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