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Multi-part Series on Ancient Predictions about our Planet: Prophecy Part 272 - Prophecies by the German Seamstress Bertha Dudde

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“I tell you again and again: You can believe it that the end is near... Your soul will sense it by feeling differently, by being sad where the world’s joys are offered to people, by being anxious where the world looks to the future with hope. Your soul feels correctly because it senses the end…”

Ms. Dudde repeatedly warned humanity of the fast-approaching “end time,” which has a subconscious impact on our souls even when our minds seem unable to perceive it.

I tell you again and again: You can believe it that the end is near... Your soul will sense it by feeling differently, by being sad where the world’s joys are offered to people, by being anxious where the world looks to the future with hope. Your soul feels correctly because it senses the end, it senses the intensified struggle in the spiritual kingdom which also oppresses and frightens itself, and it will not be satisfied with Earthly joys and Earthly goods because it recognizes their worthlessness in view of the end.”

According to Ms. Dudde, we can recognize the signs of the end time first and foremost in the natural world.

“It is by no means by chance that the Earth’s surface vegetation has changed as far as it involves stretches of land where human will and activity played a determining part. This particularly applies to forests or tree plantations which have fallen prey to human destructive will, which will not remain without influence on the climate as well as the condition of the soil.

Such deforestation represents a great danger to humanity if it takes place before its time, that is, before the spiritual substances in the plant creations have sufficiently matured to animate the next form. For this prematurely freed spiritual aspect does not leave the place of its interrupted sojourn without having recovered its loss accordingly, by oppressing the elemental state of the surroundings and in an unbound state often expressing itself in an undesirable way, which is also not denied to it by God.

[...] Storms and tempests will alarmingly increase, water shortage will make plant cultivation difficult, and this will result in a decline of vegetation and simultaneously restrict the spiritual opportunities of development for the substances that want to take abode in the plant world corresponding to their degree of maturity and are thus prevented from doing so, which will result in constantly new storms and tempests...”

For decades, we have been witnessing more and more frequent natural disasters and severe weather as Bertha Dudde had foretold, with accelerating intensity each year. In just about two months since September this year, there have been reports of a deadly earthquake in Morocco, a tornado in China, a landslide in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, floods in Libya, a firestorm in Hawaii, USA, a cyclone in Brazil, a typhoon in Taiwan, also known as Formosa, flooding in Greece, and many more.

What’s the main cause of climate change and environmental destruction of our time?

“Almost 1/3 of Earths’ land is used for animal agriculture. The Amazon is being destroyed for meat production. Wild animals are losing their homes. Animal agriculture is using 20%–30% of all fresh water. Fertile land is turning into desert. Animal waste is polluting water sources & land. Industrial fishing is emptying the oceans.”

According to a paper published in the Journal of Ecological Society by Dr. Sailesh Rao (vegan), a Shining World Award for Earth Protection recipient, the livestock industry contributed to a much higher percentage of greenhouse gas emission than the 18% previously reported by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. “The paper looks at the impact of animal agriculture and shows that it is responsible for 87% of greenhouse gas emissions on an annual basis. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, of ocean dead zones, of every other environmental [issue] we know.

Bertha Dudde’s revelations further reveal that the end time can be identified by the way of living practiced by the majority of humankind.

“When sin gets out of hand, when there is no more faith in God’s Justice among people, when people irresponsibly live their lives to the full and give their instincts free reign, when no love whatsoever is found among humanity, when all desires purely concern the world and its possessions, then the end will have come and the scriptures will be fulfilled, the prophecies of the seers, having always announced the end on God’s instruction, will come true...”

The sinful way of living is also manifested in the gruesome animal-people livestock industry humans have created just to satisfy their palates. It’s a system that willfully exploits, tortures, abuses, and kills our innocent animal friends for their flesh.

“‘Dominion’ (2018) Award-winning Australian Documentary Film: ‘The picturesque family farm and the iconic, loving farmer. A humane and painless end, a small price happily paid for a life well lived. An arrangement of mutual benefit.’ Hidden by this narrative, out of sight, out of mind, they cease to be individuals, most known only as livestock, faceless units of production in a system of incomprehensible scale, exempt from the cruelty laws that protect our companion animals. Their suffering unseen and unheard. Their value determined only by their usefulness to humankind, rationalized by a belief in our own superiority and the notion that might equals right. A notion that must be questioned.”

“‘Lucent’ (2014) Australian pig-people livestock industry documentary: All we’re trying to do is to show people what’s happening.”

By prematurely taking a life, be it of a tree or of an animal-person, needlessly and without thinking, before it has had a chance to finish the life span assigned by God, humans have angered the spirits in nature. This has been witnessed by a Supreme Master Television viewer in an inner vision.

“I saw a freshly cut tree. It was still healthy and leafy. The trunk was still alive while a man was towing it away. I saw it was helplessly, hopelessly crying in agony spreading its arms and asking ‘Why?!’ The man wasn’t aware of all this at all because he was totally disconnected from Nature. Suddenly, a small forest started to grow massively and tall and expanded in seconds. I’ve never seen trees/plants alive like this before. They were breathing and full of life, very powerful and even angry. Then, the forest moved forward making waves like the sea, gulping humans on its way until the last one was gone.”

The wrath of Heaven is upon humankind due to our collective selfish, cruel actions, as revealed by Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan). COVID-19 pandemic is just one of the retributions.

“The COVID-19 virus, they have souls in them. That’s why they’re so smart, so versatile and so difficult to catch and to cure. These are the souls of the massacred and abused and tortured animals that the humans have been consuming.”

The imminent end is inevitable if we continue going down the sinful, destructive path.

“Heaven is angry. I want to tell you this. I cannot tell you all in detail, but I tell you some. Heaven is angry. Earth is angry. The Nature is angry, waiting, waiting for us to return to our original loving, kind nature, as God intended us to be, to have. Waiting for us to exercise this power to save others and to save ourselves and our family. The ticking bomb is waiting to explode. […] All this un-benevolent energy from Nature, from Heaven, from Earth, all this angry, anguished energy is all aiming at us. Compared to this energy, the atom bomb is nothing. It’s like a child’s toy.”

“I can’t sleep for feeling the pain of the planet, of all beings who live on it, and feeling the wrath of Heaven, of God. Because God and Heavens feel the pain of the beings on this planet, of the humans, of the animal-people, and of other species, including big trees and plants.

They would be willing to die for us, if necessary. But what we do – killing them, taking their lives in agony – is not necessary. It has never been necessary to kill anything. Every religion’s first, foremost commandment is: ‘You shall not kill. You shall treat others the way you want to be treated.’ If you don’t want to be killed like the animal-people in the slaughterhouse, if you don’t want to be chained, tortured, tormented, all your life until you die in agony like that, then imagine the animal-people – they also don’t want it that way.

Apart from the cruel and heartless way that humans disregard nature and the animal-people, Bertha Dudde’s insightful messages also address the social structure and the work of God’s adversary, satan, in the current time. Let’s find out more in the next episode.

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