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Multi-part Series on Ancient Predictions about our Planet: Prophecy Part 278 - Prophecies by the German Seamstress Bertha Dudde

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“In the end times I pour out a full measure of Grace on you people .... My Kingdom comes to you .... Enter this Kingdom, surrender to My Love, use the Grace .... listen to Me when I approach you in the Word ....”

In the last episode, we learned that Bertha Dudde prophesized that in the “end time,” God will be present through Hier Messenger and work “fervently” to save humanity and guide souls back to their real Home. From the facts, testimonies and clues we presented previously, it’s clear that Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) is God’s Messenger for our time, who imparts the Quan Yin Method of meditation that allows people to see the inner Heavenly Light and hear the inner Heavenly Sound, or God’s Word.

Ms. Dudde revealed that at this time in history when most humans are unable to resist satan’s influence and seek their own liberation, God will bestow Hiers Grace in full measure.

“And because there is not much time left until the end, when the Earthly world will be shattered, I would like to have accepted you into My Kingdom even before .... and that is why I do everything to achieve this goal. I let My Mercy prevail because you yourselves in no way acquire the right for My Kingdom ..... Justly you would have to seek and enter the way to Me by yourselves, justly you would have to make every effort to free your soul from your spiritual misery .... you would have to wrestle and ask for Mercy.

But you do nothing for your spiritual salvation, and you would be lost if I did not let my Love and Grace prevail and come to meet you, to offer you the most delicious: My Kingdom .... […]

In the end times I pour out a full measure of Grace on you people .... My Kingdom comes to you .... Enter this Kingdom, surrender to My Love, use the Grace .... listen to Me when I approach you in the Word .... Leave the world, for it can give you nothing that lasts, and seek My Kingdom, and you will not regret eternally having followed My Word .... You will inherit My Kingdom with all its Glory .... Therefore come to your senses before it is too late, for the end is coming and with it, the last judgment ... Amen

How does God bring Hiers Kingdom to us and how do we recognize Hiers Grace? We can recognize this abundant Grace in the form of the various priceless spiritual Teachings, Messages and Blessings that our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) has made readily available for the public to access over the years.

From the beginning of Her Mission, Supreme Master Ching Hai has given numerous public lectures, conferences, and interviews in different countries, on various occasions and through all kinds of media. Her messages are available in books, magazines, and audio and visual formats as well as online websites. As the world is now in the digital age, Master shares Her Teachings digitally. Via satellite and the internet, Supreme Master Television broadcasts 24/7 for billions of viewers globally, offering instant, free and easy access to Divine messages anywhere and at any time. The door to God’s Kingdom is brought nearer to us than ever before and we can enter this Kingdom by simply opening our hearts and acting on the Divine messages of Love, the love of our human and non-human neighbors.

Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed in the following lecture that there is a silver lining amidst the adversaries in this world.

“But in this world, we have an advantage is that, because this world is so difficult for us to practice, therefore God’s Blessing is with us manyfold. So we walk one step and the Master Power will walk ten hundred steps to help us.”

Ms. Dudde described that there will be a group of people belonging to the “Church of Christ,” who wholeheartedly accept God’s Message and live in accordance with Hiers Commandments.

“The quintessence of Christ's teaching is the Commandment of Love for God and one's neighbor. Hence, wherever this is taught and practiced, there is true Christianity, there is the Church of Christ, which has its foundation in its firm faith in Him and which therefore will continue when all else comes to an end.

[…] However, this Church of Christ will be small, only a small group will belong to it and yet, it will be represented all over the world .... people who are truly loving and therefore true Christians will live all over the world. Their love will gain them wisdom, and thus they will also be profoundly devout and acknowledge the God of Love Who embodied Himself on Earth in Jesus Christ and consciously strive towards Him.”

Members of our Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association (all vegans) include individuals from all over the world, in various countries of Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania. No matter where they are from, they maintain the life-saving vegan diet, meditate daily to connect with their inner Heavenly Light and Sound, and strive to spread Master’s Teachings and bring relief to distressed neighbors whenever possible. Often, with financial funds and loving Guidance provided by our Most Benevolent Supreme Master Ching Hai, our Association members organize relief efforts to bring immediate assistance to disaster-stricken areas.

For those who abide by God’s Commandments at the end time, God will extend Hiers Protection physically and spiritually against attacks from the negative force. This promise is included in Bertha Dudde’s proclamations.

“The Earth will encounter much hardship, but also much Grace and Blessing will be granted to those who open themselves, who would like to receive a tonic from the hand of the Father and who therefore also do not need to fear the end, because they will be able to hold on even if hell with its inhabitants will attack the ones who confess My name .....For I myself am and remain with you who want to be Mine and I will protect you against all attacks of my opponent.”

Our Association members have often experienced God’s Presence and Protection during times of crisis. Some of them shared these occurrences through Supreme Master Television’s heartlines.

“(On December 4 at 8 pm in the evening, I had a heart attack, but I didn’t know about it until the next day when I was admitted to the hospital, where I had an angioplasty and a stent placed inside me. The doctor was surprised to learn that despite the massive heart attack, I drove 60 kilometers on a motorcycle, alone, to get admitted to the hospital, and my heart had made a natural bypass, which is very rare and a medical miracle. Millions of thanks to our Beloved Master for protecting me at the right time and for giving me an extended opportunity to live.)

To this miraculous experience, Supreme Master Ching Hai replied as follows: Loyal Vedant, miracles happen for those who place their ultimate faith in God, Who can do anything. I am glad you are so receptive to the Grace that is always with you. It is my promise to you and all, who are initiated by me, to always care for you until you reach complete enlightenment and return to your True Home. It is an honor to be able to assist a sincere soul in this way. Make the best possible use of your time to fulfill your soul’s purpose, and help to bring about a vegan world where peace and love for all are the highest priority. Take good care! May God bless you, my dear, and all the upstanding people of India.”

We will share with you a few more examples.

“(On January 13, 2022, I got up and went out to earn money to make ends meet. While on the way, I faced a terrible life experience. A group of guys with balaclavas and weapons intended to destroy my very existence. […] But I didn’t lose hope because I knew Master was watching over me. While in the hands of the bandits, I kept humming one of Master’s songs in my heart. I am indebted to Master because I was released at 9 pm that night. I used my wisdom in asking Master for Her guidance and Grace to be saved from these wicked people.)”

“(During my meditation, I saw tens of thousands of white pearls and yellow pearls [precious beads] that Master gave to fellow initiates. The stacking of white and yellow pearls turned into long-legged soldiers with long spears in their hands. Tens of thousands of these pearl soldiers with mighty strength and tremendous fighting power gather in front of us to confront obstacles, resist the invasion of viruses, and protect us.)”

“(As usual, after the morning meditation session, I went to sleep, and I had an inner vision. I saw that I was in the space of the Universe, which encompasses Earth. I also saw Master, who was in a meditative posture with bright Light radiating around Her. But Her form was so immense on top of the Earth that I had a feeling that Master is like a pillar, and You meditate to sustain this Earth. Under Master’s feet, there were a number of our initiated brothers and sisters who were so small but radiating bright Light like Master.)”


God’s infinite Grace is further manifested in the “Project of Salvation” that Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed in a recent message to Supreme Master Television viewers.

“Now, thanks to God Almighty that I am made to remember this method of saving the world. This method involves the death of the Master – either completely, if it fails; or temporarily, for a short while, and the Master is revived. After the Master is revived, then the Master has more power. And then, because the death of the Master will somehow delete some of the karma, so She/He can revive and become more powerful in order to continue this way, this method to save humankind and the Earth. […]

Please praise God Almighty for allowing us to have a choice in this matter and arranging all incredible patterns, rules and ways so that this project has been done, up to date, 95%. But we need 50 plus percent more vegans than the percentage of vegans that we have right now. So, let’s hope it will be fulfilled, and as soon as possible.

We encourage everyone do their part, turn to the benevolent vegan way of living, accept God’s immense Grace and thus hasten the arrival of the new Earth.

God reveals a hopeful future in the following passage by Bertha Dudde: “I will again make the Earth into a place of Peace where Love alone reigns, where there is no enemy, where all creatures live together in harmony and happiness, where the Love of humankind shines out to touch the still bound spirituality. Where men will help their fellowmen, physically and spiritually, and I Myself as Eternal Love can dwell among them. Nothing that is negative can obscure My presence…”

Thank you, Bertha Dudde, for devoting your life to faithfully transcribing God’s messages so that we can hear them today. We thank God Almighty, Supreme Master Ching Hai and all the Prophets and Saints who have worked and are still working to transform the Earth into a paradise, to liberate souls from the bondage of the material world and help them remember their Divine, loving Origin.

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